This year's WDP tour began with a lot of anticipation and excitement as we had three new members in our group: Mark Micklethwaite on drums,  Fernando Vega as Ritchie Valens and Jay P. Richardson, Jr., the Big Bopper's son.  Fernando I had worked with before many times in the play, Buddy...the Buddy Holly Story, and I knew he would be terrific.  Mark came highly recommended by Dominic, as he'd worked with him quite a few times in the Toronto area.  Jay was an added bonus this time and he filled us in on many great stories about his father.  He also kept us all laughing with many jokes and anecdotes. 

Below are a few highlights of the tour that I hope you'll enjoy.  Forgive me if I left out a city that is your home town or one you saw us in, time does not permit me to include the entire tour. 

January 13, 2000
The tour started off with a bang at the Willowbrook Ballroom in the Chicago suburb of Willow Springs. Robert Reynolds (The Mavericks) and his friend Jack Leaver surprised us by flying in to see us and lend their support.  Robert told us all some "unique" stories backstage that we will forever hold in our memory.  We had hoped Robert could join us at other venues this year and play songs as he did last year but unfortunately his schedule did not permit.  Next year, Robert!

Anyway, the Willowbrook is a beautiful old ballroom that is in wide use today.  The owners have done a great job of keeping it in tip top shape.  We had close to 600 people show up to see us there.  The crowd was great and it was good to see some friendly familiar faces from my past.  I did Buddy…The Buddy Holly Story in Chicago for 6 months in 1998 and many people came out to again support my efforts.  Thank you Chicagoland!  Also thanks to Steve and Johnnie at WGN Radio for their support as well.

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