January 15, 2000
The next highlight of the tour was in Springfield, IL.  This city was played in by the original tour but unfortunately after the plane crash.  Unbeknownst to us, a national Elvis convention/contest was in town the same night we were!  At first we were a little worried that our attendance would be split or low but it turned out better than anyone could have imagined.  Over 775 people crammed the Masonic Temple where we played.  We sold it out!  Apparently there is room for Elvis and Buddy.

After our show on Saturday night we all went over to the Elvis convention as the promoter invited us to do a few numbers for his audience.  To our surprise all of his "Elvises" were singing without a live band, ala Karoke style, but no matter, we set up a few amps and went to town.  Fernando had a lot of ladies screaming to "Donna."  It was fun and certainly very interesting!  Thank you Springfield!  Let's do it again!  Thanks to Matt Dietrich at the Springfield Register for his superb coverage of the event.

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